Mobile Farmers Market

Please check our new project website for the latest information on the Mobile Farmers Market:

market_van graphic_final

The Mobile Farmers Market is a fuel-efficient cargo van creating an intertribal food distribution network across the Great Lakes Region.  This project is intended to service as a resource for Tribal food producers and communities.



Project Goals:
1) Expand Tribal food producers market access by providing low cost transportation and developing commercial connections.
2) Improve availability of fresh, healthy, and traditional food products in Tribal communities, especially in remote areas with minimal food access.


The Spinter cargo van provides an ideal combination of hauling capacity and fuel effieciency, which are both critical to being able to maintain affordable transportation options. will have a powered cooler to provide limited refrigreated capacity.  Longer-term plans call for refrigerated trailer that will signicantly expand capacity for frozen fish and meats.

Based in Duluth, the vehicle will be making stops in northern Minnesota and northern Wisconsin approximatley every other week.  It will then make a larger loop around Lake Michigan once per month.  The schedule will attempt to remain consistent in order to give customers a high level of certainty that it will be in their location at a given day and time.  Efforts will be made to ensure that hours meet the needs of working families, but evening hours will not be possible in every community.  Given the combination of that reality and the opportunities offered by existing stores and organizations, the project is also seek partners to help distribute food on an ongoing basis.

How to get invovled:
• Producers: Food producers interested in selling products at markets, as well as suplus to the project for distribution to Tribal communities are encouraged to participate.  In some instances, advance purchases
• Communities: The project will seek to develop partnerships with existing farmers markets where feasible, and it will help to create new farmers markets where there is interest.  It is also seeking partnernships with community organizations interested in offering complimentary services like cooking programs.
• Food Service and Retailers: Some items, like wild rice, may be available in larger quantities during all or most of the year.  Larger supplies of other items may be available on a seasonal basis.  The project will seek to work with
• Individuals: Products will be available at farmers markets, directly through the website currently being developed, and a participating retailers.

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