Farm-to-School Grants

The USDA is currently accepting farm-to-school applications from eligible schools to help improve the health and well-being of their students and connect with local agricultural producers.

There are three types of available grants.  First, planning grants are available to assist schools just getting started in farm to school activities.  Second, implementation grants are intended to help schools augment or expand existing efforts.  Third, support service grants are available to a variety of groups to conduct trainings, create complimentary curriculum, and further develop supply chains.  A total of $5 million is available.

Applications are due April 24th.

Announcing Mobile Farmers Market

The Intertribal Agriculture Council is pleased to announce we will be launching a Mobile Farmers Market in the Great Lakes Region in late spring 2013.  Based in the Duluth, MN area, this project will employ a fuel-efficient cargo van to create a regional food distribution network.  The Mobile Farmers Market’s two main goals are 1) expanding Tribal food producers’ market access and 2) increasing the availability of fresh, healthy, and traditional food in Tribal communities, especially those in remote areas.

This project is seeking local partners in Tribal communities.  Where there is interest, it is seeking to work with existing markets and provide support to start new ones.  More information will be available in the near future.

Sustainable Ag. Workshop Series

The Intertribal Agriculture Council has received a SARE grant to conduct a series of agricultural skills workshops across the Great Lakes Region.  This funding will help provide support for Tribal agricultural educators to attend the workshops.

The first workshop will be held in conjunction with the MOSES Organic Farming Conference on February 21-23 in Lacrosse, WI, the second with the Indigenous Farming Conference from March 4-7 at White Earth, and the third during the Food Sovereignty Summit April 15-18th at Oneida, WI.

If you are an American Indian agricultural educator or producer interested in attending any of these events, please contact Dan Cornelius (