Reminder – Seed School

There are still spots left in the Seed Keepers School from May 11-16 at Shakopee, but they are filling fast, so please register soon if you are planning to attend.  Lodging is available free in tipis and at a reduced rate in the Mystic Lake Hotel.  This training event is a tremendous opportunity to learning and network-building opportunity.

Seed School

Seed School

Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Development Program (BFRDP)

USDA’s Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Development Program (BFRDP) is accepting requesting grant applications until June 12th, 2014.  Approximately $19 million in funding is available for efforts aimed at education, training, outreach, and mentoring of new and beginning farmers.

Great Lakes Region Monthly Update Conference Call

2:00pm central time, Wednesday, April 9th will be our monthly update conference call.  Call in number is 866-614-2162 and the code is 987 114 7244.  These call will take place the second Wednesday of each month at 2:00pm using the same phone number and access code.  Please feel free to spread the word.  We’re planning to give everyone who is interested up to 2 minutes to give your own update.

April 9th Agenda

  1. Introductions
  2. Food Sovereignty Summit
  3. Intertribal Maple Syrup Producers Co-op
  4. USDA Farm to School Grant
  5. Mobile Farmers Market 2014 Schedule
  6. Discussion and individual updates