Socially Disadvantaged Outreach Grant

The Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers Program will allocated $10 million to 15-20 to community-based organizations, higher education institutions and eligible tribal entities.  Application deadline is December 12, 2011.

Here is the application:

socially disadvantaged_fy12

Bison Reductions in Yellowstone

This article is definitely relevant to tribal food issues since it discusses a staff recommendation to reduce Yellowstone National Park’s bison herd for effective management purposes.  A hunt is one of the strategies, but the article also points out that there have been numerous calls for increased cooperation with tribes seeking to expand their buffalo herds.  While Yellowstone’s buffalo population is one of the most genetically healthy in the world, the animals do have issues with brucellosis, which is an animal disease affecting pregnancy that has been eradicated through most of the world.

Community Food Project Grant

Unfortunately, this post is a bit late to take advantage of this particular grant, but I’m posting it nonetheless for prospective grantees to start thinking about next year’s application if funding is available.

The Community Food Project (CFP) Competitive Grants Program, funded through NIFA, provides up to up to $500,000 for non-profits to promote community food projects.

Future grant postings in this site will seek to break down the grant announcements into simplified summaries for key aspects for eligibility and other requirements, since those criteria aren’t always immediately apparent in an announcement.

Grant Announcement – CFP_FY12

IAC Annual Symposium

The annual IAC symposium will take place this December 5-9 in Las Vegas at the flamingo Hotel. Made of producers from around the country will gather to share success stories, particularly relating to the of USDA programs.

Check PDF link below for more information and symposium registration.

In the meantime, check out the main IAC website for more information:

IAC symposium_2011 General Information

IAC symposium_2011 Registration Form

Keepeagle Legal Settlement Update

The keepsake a legal settlement provides compensation for discrimination against American Indian farmers and ranchers who unsuccessfully applied for USDA Farm during the 1980s 1990. Compensation ranges from $50,000-$250,000 depending on number of total claimants and claimants track.

The final deadline to apply is December 27, 2011

More details will be posted shortly

WORKSHOPS: Tribal Co-op Development & Three Sisters Planting

Join the University of Wisconsin Law School’s Great Lakes Indigenous Law Center and the Intertribal Agriculture and partners, including the University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives, the Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance (NAFSA), for a Roundtable on Tribal Cooperative Development and Value Added Products in Madison, Wisconsin on Tuesday morning, June 5th.  Register online for the Tuesday morning Roundtable and Indigenous Seeds Project by clicking here.  In addition to this half-day session, there are several related events occurring in Madison from June 4-6, including the

  1. Food Sovereignty on Turtle Island Symposium that is part of the Ethnobotany Conference
  2. Indigenous Foods Tasting Menu from The Sioux Chef
  3. update on the new Indigenous Seed Sovereignty Collaboration with UW-Madison and the Indigenous Seed Keepers Network
  4. Traditional Tools Workshop led by Kevin Finney, and
  5. an Indigenous Foods Banquet Dinner from The Sioux Chef, Sean Sherman

Registration for the Ethnobotany Conference is required to attend the Food Sovereignty on Turtle Island Symposium on Monday, June 4th.  We do have a limited number of registrations for that conference, as well as lodging support.  Please contact to RSVP or for more information.

tribal coop development workshop#2